Selectboard & Town Manager

The Town of Proctor operates under a five member elected Selectboard and Town Manager form of government.  The Select Board is responsible for setting the policy of the Town.  Presently, the Board’s membership consists of  Chair Lisa Miser, Vice-Chair, Bruce Baccei, Linda Doty, Albert Wenta and Jay Thornton  The Board appoints a Town Manager, who shall be responsible to the Selectboard for the administration and general supervision of all business affairs of the Town.  The Town Manager is Judy Frazier.

The Selectboard invites residents to attend meetings and welcomes their input in matters of public interest.

Regular Selectboard Meetings:

Second and Fourth Monday of each month 6:00 p.m. at the Town Office Meeting Room, 45 Main Street.  If Monday is a Holiday, the regular meeting will be held the following Tuesday. (Anyone needing special accommodations to attend the meeting please contact Judy Frazier, Town Manager at or 459-3333 ext. 4)

Note:  Agendas for Regular Meetings of the Selectboard are posted a minimum of 48 hours before the meeting.  Agendas for Special Meetings of the Selectboard are posted a minimum of 24 hours before the meeting.  Agendas are posted at the Town Office, Proctor Free Library and U.S. Post Office and on the Proctor website.


Normal Office hours - 8:00 a.m. to  4:00 p.m. - Monday through Friday

For anyone wishing to join the Selectboard Meeting via Zoom
Meeting ID: 996 3581 7662 – no password needed.

Downloads Available

FY2024 Meetings

07-05-2023 Special Meeting Agenda

07-05-2023 Special Meeting Minutes

07-10-2023 Agenda

07-10-2023 Meeting Minutes

07-24-2023 Agenda

07-24-2023 Draft Meeting Minutes

08-08-2023 Special Meeting Agenda

08-08-2023 Draft Special Meeting Minutes

08-14-2023 Agenda

08-14-2023 Meeting Minutes

08-28-2023 Agenda

08-28-2023 Meeting Minutes

09-11-2023 Agenda

09-11-2023 Meeting Minutes

09-25-2023 Agenda

09-25-2023 Draft Meeting Minutes

09-28-2023 Special Community Meeting

10-03-2023 Special Meeting Ex Session

10-03-2023 Draft Special Meeting Minutes

10.10.23 Agenda

10.10.2023 Draft Meeting Minutes

10.23.2023 Agenda

10-23-2023 Draft Meeting Minutes

11.13.2023 Agenda

11-13-2023 Draft Meeting Minutes

11-16-23 Special Meeting Agenda

11-16-23 Draft Special Meeting Minutes

11-27-2023 Agenda

11-27-2023 Draft Meeting Minutes

11-30-2023 Special Meeting Agenda

11-30-2023 Special Meeting Minutes

12-11-2023 Agenda

12-11-2023 Draft Meeting Minutes

12-26-2023 Agenda

12-26-2023 Draft Meeting Minutes

01-08-2024 Agenda

01-08-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

01-22-2024 Special Meeting Agenda

01-22-2024 Agenda

01-22-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

02-12-2024 Agenda

02-12-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

02-22-2024 Special Meeting Agenda

02-26-2024 Agenda

02-26-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

03-04-2024 Town Meeting Minutes

03-11-2024 Agenda

03-11-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

03-20-2024 Special Meeting Agenda

03-20/21-2024 Special Meeting Minutes

03-25-2024 Agenda

03-25-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

04-08-2024 Agenda

04-08-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

04-15-2024 Special Meeting Agenda

04-15-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

04-18-24 Special Meeting Agenda

04-18-2024 Special Meeting Minutes

04-22-2024 Agenda

04-22-2024 Draft Meeting Minutes

05-13-2024 Agenda

05-13-2024 Draft Minutes

05-28-2024 Agenda

05-28-2024 Draft Minutes

06-10-2024 Agenda

06-10-2024 Draft Minutes

06-24-2024 Agenda

06-24-2024 Draft Minutes

07-08-2024 Special Meeting Agenda

07-08-2024 Special Meeting Minutes

07-08-2024 Agenda

07-08-2024 Draft Minutes

07-22-2024 Agenda

07-22-2024 Draft Minutes

08-12-2024 Agenda

08-12-2024 Draft Minutes

08-26-2024 Agenda

08-26-2024 Draft Minutes

09-09-2024 Agenda

09-09-2024 Draft Minutes

09-09-2024 Approved Minutes

09-23-2024 Agenda

09-23-2024 Draft Minutes

10-15-2024 Agenda

10-15-2024 Draft Minutes

10-28-2024 Agenda

10-28-2024 Draft Minutes

11-12-2024 Agenda

11-12-2024 Draft Minutes

11-25-2024 Agenda

11-25-2024 Draft Minutes

12-09-2024 Agenda

12-09-2024 Draft Minutes

12-23-2024 Agenda

12-23-2024 Draft Minutes

01-13-2025 Agenda

01-13-2025 Draft Minutes

01-16-2025 Special Meeting Agenda

01-16-2025 Draft Minutes

01-27-2025 Agenda

01-27-2025 Draft Minutes

02-10-2025 Agenda

02-24-2025 Agenda

02-24-2025 Draft Minutes

03-10-2025 Agenda

03-10-2025 Draft Minutes

03-24-2025 Agenda

FY2023 Meetings

07-08-22 Special Meeting Agenda

07-08-22 Special Meeting Minutes

07-11-22 Agenda

07-11-22 Meeting Minutes

07-19-22 Special Meeting Agenda

07-19-22 Special Meeting Minutes

07-25-22 Agenda

07-25-22 Meeting Minutes

08-08-2022 Agenda

08-08-2022 Meeting Minutes

08-22-2022 Agenda

08-22-2022 Meeting Minutes

09-02-2022 Special Meeting Agenda

09-02-2022 Special Meeting Minutes

09-12-2022 Agenda

09-12-2022 Meeting Minutes

09-23-2022 Special Meeting Agenda

09-24-2022 Special Meeting Minutes

09-26-2022 Agenda

09-26-2022 Meeting Minutes

10-10-2022 Agenda

10-10-2022 Meeting Minutes

10-24-2022 Agenda

10-24-2022 Meeting Minutes

11-7-2022 Special Meeting Agenda

11-7-2022 Special Meeting Minutes

11-14-2022 Agenda

11-14-2022 Meeting Minutes

11-28-2022 Agenda

11-28-2022 Meeting Minutes

12-12-2022 Agenda

12-12-2022 Meeting Minutes

12-27-2022 Agenda

12-27-2022 Meeting Minutes

01-09-2023 Agenda

01-09-2023 Meeting Minutes

01-23-2023 Agenda

01-23-2023 Meeting Minutes

02-13-2023 Agenda

02-13-2023 Meeting Minutes

02-21-2023 Special Meeting Agenda

02-21-2023 Special Meeting Minutes

02-27-2023 Agenda

02-27-2023 Meeting Minutes

03-06-2023 Town Meeting Minutes

03-13-2023 Agenda

03-13-2023 Meeting Minutes

03-27-2023 Agenda

03-27-2023 Meeting Minutes

04-10-2023 Agenda

04-10-2023 Meeting Minutes

04-19-2023 Special Town Meeting Warning

04-19-2023 Special Town Meeting Minutes

04-20-2023 Special Meeting Agenda (Dog Bite)

04-20-2023 Special Meeting Minutes 

04-24-2023 Agenda

04-24-2023 Meeting Minutes

05-04-2023 Special Meeting Agenda

05-04-2023 Special Meeting Minutes

05-05-2023 Special Meeting Agenda (Dog Bite)

05-05-2023 Special Meeting Minutes

05-08-2023 Agenda

05-08-2023 Meeting Minutes

05-22-2023 Agenda

05-22-2023 Meeting Minutes

06-12-2023 Agenda

6-12-2023 Meeting Minutes

06-26-2023 Agenda

06-26-2023 Meeting Minutes